Why did I not reopen when I planned? Because of my floors. As you can see below in the images, I have none. The downstairs portion of my house has been emptied. All the equipment, backdrops and everything else is GONE. My husband was on leave for about 40 days and so we decided to go forward with getting new floors in. We’ve been wanting to get it done for a long time and we finally agreed on a wood color, got the measurements, set a date and went for it.
We had quite a few set backs as we prepared for this. Removal of old floors, removing appliances, buying new tools, googling and in the end, trying to keep our kids from getting splinters or anything else in their little feet. This has been an interesting adventure. All of my photography gear is in storage along with some household items. Boxes are in my room, my kids rooms, in the hallways, my garage was emptied and then refilled with all the appliances. It’s like a maze in our house. The only ones really having fun with all this is our cats.
TODAY is the day! As I am typing, the installers are cutting, nailing and pounding away. I am excited to have this finally finished. I must admit that I am not too thrilled about having to bring all my stuff back. Is it bad to want to leave it empty for a while? My body is so sore still.
I decided that I will bring back the absolute minimum needed for photography sessions. I don’t think I am going to be able to get a lot of sessions in since we will be reorganizing our house as we bring stuff back. This puts a delay on my plans, but my family comes first. Plus if my mind is on the house, it will not be up to par for taking pictures. Once everything is back in order, I will reopen and get in my groove again.
Until then, here are some before pictures of my house. It’s been like this for about 2 weeks now. So glad it won’t look like this after the next few days (Installers said it could take up to three days to get done).

Kitchen view from dining area.

Bigger view of dining/kitchen area

Dining & family (studio area) view from kitchen

Entry way, tile is coming out


Laundry room

Living room view from dining area

Living room view from entry