The littlest sister was a little too young for our Bathing Beauties set, so mom opted for a simple session in the Lavender field. We had had a streak of very hot days here on our island. So we had to wait one extra day for the weather to cool a bit more before we headed out to the field. This gave the bees a chance to do their pollinating thing and then go to sleep while we walked throughout the field. We didn't bother them and they didn't bother us. It did get chilly fast so we had to speed things a bit. The littlest one hung on as long as she could but after about 30 minutes, she was ready to be cuddled and warm. So we finished up and everyone went home to get pj's on and stay warm. It was a great evening!
To see one more image from this session, click HERE to view it on my Facebook page.
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by Renee Giugliano Photography
Alysia Gonzales - Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!
Jessica - Oh my gosh!!! They are soooo precious 😍😍