Wednesday, April 9, 2008 11:39 am
I have three sessions to proof still and it looks like I may only be able to get two done. I am doing my best to go through these quickly, but it looks like I might have to finish some after I have the baby.
In the last few days I have received 6 orders and I am expecting more. These orders will be filled (if deposit/payment) is received. Instead of making you wait until June, I am planning one Saturday be chosen to have everyone come and pick up their orders. It will most likely be done at the end of this month depending on how I am feeling. If you have not payed at least your 50% deposit for your order, please do so now. If you need to the amount(s) for your order, please send me an email ASAP or you can call me anytime before Thursday evening. You will be notified by email of the date & times available to pick up your portraits.
The newsletter is behind also, I still have not received some entries for it. So, it looks like I might have to pick your entry for you. Below are the entries that either I have chosen or you have chosen to enter. Please choose your favorite and vote once please. Feel free to let your friends and family know about the poll, they may vote also. Winners will be announced in the newsletter and maybe on the blog after the newsletter is sent.
by Renee
Grama Scheftner - Yay!! I remember that little girl too!!
Made my eyes well up!! :-/ Wonderful pictures!! Early congrats Mirah and Ro!!