This little guy turned one back in January. But as with any family – life happens. I know this too well with everything that my own family has went through in the last few months. But I was excited when mom called to set up an appointment. First we did a family portrait. Yep, someone is missing. Dad is currently out of the state at this time, but I’m sure he’ll love it when he gets these in the mail.
Little “P” was not really into his cake on his actual birthday, so mom skipped that this time. Instead, she brought in an Alabama football for him to play with. I made the Happy Birthday banner and added little elephants on it, also made him a little flag to go with his banner and take home. He kept us on his toes. Running and wanting to grab everything. Mom was quick and I just sat back and giggled (Mom & I have been friends for quite a while so I got to laugh at her and with her). He was a ball of energy, always moving but we got some great memories captured!
To see another image from this session, click HERE to view it on my Facebook page.

by Renee Giugliano Photography
Kate Anne - Such a sweet family!!!
Kim Young - Love them all.
Nicole Wilson - I love them!!! He sure made it exciting… so glad I had a 2nd cup of coffee that morning.