This weekend along with the upcoming week is supposed to be hitting some high temperatures for us here in the Pacific Northwest. This morning, I woke up to a house that was already 70 degrees (inside). Like many who live here on Whidbey Island, we don’t have air conditioning in our house. So on these days, we keep our house as dark as possible, keep TV’s and computers off and turn on the fans in every room. Opening windows didn’t help today since there was little to no breeze. And when there was finally a breeze, it was not coming through our windows. Boo!
My eldest took off with friends for the day and so I took my other two to the annual Anacortes Water Festival. We built a small wooden boat for my boy, bought a dragon doll for my daughter and then walked around and checked out everything. We didn’t stay too long since I forgot to pull cash out before heading over (Oops.. Mom fail) and there were no ATMs that I could find. It was hotter up in Anacortes and my kids were ready to go after all the walking. With no money to buy drinks, we were out of there.
Once we got home, we ate, relaxed and then the kids got changed into their swim suits and we turned on the sprinklers in our back yard. I had to water the grass and plants anyhow, so it was a perfect opportunity for them. My son resisted at first, but with a little bit of gentle nudging, he turned that frown upside down and was having fun with his sister. I was dodging water drops while trying to quickly get in a good spot to watch and take pictures of them. I got wet a few times, but I protected the camera (Go me!). I’m not sure how long we were out there, but the kids were posing, jumping and then running back and forth to me to see the pictures on the back of the camera. They would look and either agree to do their pose again or give each other high-fives on their coordinated jumps and/or silly faces. Crazy kids.
What did your kids do today?

by Renee Giugliano Photography
Wendy Amadio - In love!!!
Anita Scheftner - Love these! Looks like much fun!