I love my blog theme! And I must give credit where credit is due!
This blog theme (layout, not designs) is by ProPhotoBlogs.com. I purchased the theme in hopes that it would give me more flexibility as well as control over my look and feel. It did and I love it! There are so many options and they are so easy to use! See it in action HERE!
If you would like to purchase this customizable theme and make it your own, click on the image to the left or go to http://www.prophotoblogs.com
SAVE $10 off your purchase today! Use this promo code: RGIU5540
She is a graduate of the Art Institute of Los Angeles and currently a freelance designer. She comes from a long line of artists in her family and her talent is amazing!
She has a variety of experience and an array of styles. Here’s what she offers:
- logos & identity series (branding)
- advertising materials
- brochures & direct mail
- flyers & posters
- outdoor media (billboards)
- cd covers
- banners
- fonts
- car decals
- invitations (all occasions)
If you would like more information, click on the logo image to visit her website or follow this link: http://www.crittomarket.com