Little “J” came in to celebrate her first birthday. When mom showed me her first outfit, I already had this new backdrop in mind. It was perfect for J and her siblings. Although it’s floral, it doesn’t say “girls only.” I think older brother J looks great with it, right? Anyway, we got a few of them together first; which is always the toughest when it comes to siblings. We then followed with individual portraits, changed little J and I put together the second set.
Because I didn’t have a backdrop on hand that I thought went well with her outfit, my graphic designer and I came up with a design and had it printed just for her. I think it’s perfect! And the great thing about it is that I already have ideas for using it again.
Little J didn’t have cake, but I found a cute, large fluffy cupcake for her to play with and mom brought a yummy lollipop. Her face needed to be wiped a few times in between shots since sometimes, those colors looked a little crazy as they mixed up on her face. She was a blast to play peek-a-boo with and I’m so glad that I was able to catch some of those priceless, adorable expressions.
To see two more images from this session, click HERE and HERE to view them on my Facebook page.

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