We have finally received our orders. My husband will be transferring in January to VQ-2, which is here on Whidbey. He specializes in P3’s and was in VQ-1 prior to his current assignment. So, back to the P3 world we go! So you are all stuck with me for 3 more years!!! For those of […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized

I had left two sessions worth of proofs untouched when I left for my vacation. I wanted to work on some things while I was gone, but I never got a chance. I barely had time to touch some of my own personal photos that were taken during the trip. But I’m back now and […]
Oh, that last one is just exquisite. This one would be gorgeous BIG!
Such a sweet moment in the last one! Beautiful clarity in all of these!
Just precious. Love the crispness of the images!
I love that last one! I love how their clothing color is a little more muted than in the other. It really brings out the older girls eyes!
So sweet!!!!!!!
Your pictures always turn out great! I cannot wait to see the rest Renee! They’re so cute =)
The contact form here on the blog has not been delivering emails for the past 2 months. So, if you sent me an email and received no response, I am so sorry. The Contact Form has been fixed and I tested it myself to make sure. Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience this […]
First of all… Thank you to all of you who made the first half of this year so great! I’ve met such wonderful people and feel so privileged to be apart of your lives as your personal photographer! A little reminder We are now closed and will be reopening for regular business on July 13. […]
Have a great vacation! Looking forward to new blog updates! 🙂
I’ve been receiving great comments & feedback about the new look of the blog! Well, I love my new blog theme! And I must give credit where credit is due! THE THEME This blog theme is by ProPhotoBlogs.com. I purchased the theme in hopes that it would give me more flexibility as well as control over […]
by Renee Giugliano Photography
Gracie - Praise the Lord you will be staying where the Lord wants you to be, I was hoping you come down to California, but that is ok.
love you, mom
Mari - I’m so happy for you guys.
Erica - Yay, I’m so glad you get to stay! We’re here for 3 more years, so it looks like you’ll be doing Lylah’s birthday pics for a few more years 😉