Woah, this month is halfway over. Although this was supposed to be the easiest, slowest month for me, it’s been the busiest, the craziest, the most emotional one and it’s not over yet. I have already fallen behind in proofs and I was determined to get these done tonight. The goal has been reached! Yay! This […]
by Renee Giugliano Photography
Barbara Castro Farrell - Beautiful pictures!
Brown Guy - Beautiful
Melanie Olson Gac - Amazing! You both are sooo beautiful!
Becca Kennedy - Pretty girls!
Karis Alpers-Carver - Beautiful pictures!
Alicia Miller - Love! Can’t believe how big shes gotten 🙂 oh how the time flies…
Steffani Valdez - So soooo cute!
Doris C. Fejarang - Sooo.. beautiful!
Marymele Cellona Chen - ❤️❤️❤️
Joshua Dilley - Aww. Shes cute. Miss you
Allysa Michelle Corey - So cute!
Contadino Patrizia - Amazing pictures
Jean Story - Nice pictures girls!
Kepola Lujan - Beautiful pictures♡
Rianna Lynn Montross - So so cute!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Cheree Adams - Great pictures traci!!
Anita Scheftner - Love love love this!!
Tiffany Cortez - They look perfect, Tracy! I remember doing photos with mom and girl days downtown oak harbor, too♡ such great memories you are making with kaitlyn!
lisa quilico - those pics are beautiful. I love it.
audora - Absolutely goregeous!
Elijah S Markley - Very cute pictures