Last year, we only chased one little girl (big sister “A”) around since little “H” was only a few months old. But this year, they were both on the go! They would maybe sit together for a few seconds, which every parent knows is absolutely normal. So we did what anyone would do – we waited. We watched, we played, sang songs and read a book. Of course, they would do all this sitting down right next to me instead of where we would have liked them to be. But I enjoyed the bonding, the cute little smirks and curious smiles as the “itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout”. These girls are always a joy and I would not change anything about their session! I heard they will be moving soon – time for new orders for daddy. So, I will miss them, their gorgeous hair and they adorable personalities. Thank you so much for letting me watch your family grow these last 2 years, it’s been a fun adventure!
by Renee Giugliano Photography
Anita Scheftner - Ohhh…so cute! Can’t believe they have grown sooo much!
Kate - They are adorable.