This is part two of little B’s birthday sessions. We had a couple of set backs when it came to this sessions. First it was a prop issue on my end and then the rain. The rain would not go away. But as soon as we had a learning, mom and I jumped at the opportunity. Good thing we went when we did, because later that afternoon, it began to rain again.
Because it was a little breezy, we started out with our little boat images first. We found a little area at Deception Pass and quickly caught B just chilling out in the boat. He didn’t want to stand next to the boat, so we just let him stay where he was comfy until it was time to move on. And when we did, he was nice and warm. He was much happier to all dressed. We didn’t need to walk very far. We found a little trail that was perfect to capture a few more with his balloons and snazzy birthday outfit.
Thanks again to mom for her patience with the weather and my prop issue. So glad we didn’t give up and were able to get these done.
To see two more images from this session, click HERE and HERE to see them on my Facebook page.