Baby “H” was bright eyed and full of smiles for this session just like his previous sessions. His big sister also came along and so we took a few images of them together also. You can view one of my favorites of them together, HERE on my Facebook page.
Mom always chooses the best colors for her little ones. I love her style and am always eager to see what she has in store! She had placed her color scheme around his room decor. She even brought in a bunting banner she made herself that was part of his room. We used those during his cake portion of the session! Happy Birthday “H”! Feels like I just did your newborn session last month. Boy oh boy… time flies!

by Renee Giugliano Photography
Mari - Adorable.
Shana Cartwright - ADORABLE <3
Elizabeth Kettlewell - Hooray!
Shana Cartwright - ADORABLE <3
Michelle - Wow! I can’t believe he is 1! Happy Birthday!!
Joanna Church - he is so cute…he looks like a little man. such a mature face!
Darlene Buss - Just too cute!
Elizabeth Kettlewell - Hooray!