If you follow me on my personal page or know me personally, then you know that since we have added two cats to our family, it’s been quite an adventure. You’ve probably seen the pictures, watched the videos and read many stories about just how crazy they are or how crazy they drive me. Here’s another story.
A few days ago I mentioned on my Facebook page that I took out my camera for some “for me” images. I wanted to just get a few images of the flowers growing around my house. When I did this, I started on my front porch. I began to take some images of the flowers in my pots. As I took images of these little flowers by my door, one of my cats was sitting in the house watching me (my door was open). I was taking images of a little cluster of flowers that were all blue. (These flowers are as small as my pinky finger nail.)
When I was done, I stood up and walked inside making sure the cat was in and out of the way. But then I remembered that there was a small cluster of these little pink & blue flowers. So I opened the door, stayed standing and was looking straight down at the flowers as I took the pictures. I then walked back into the house, shut the door and proceeded to my backyard for more photographing fun.

I then went downstairs to clean up and get ready for bed. Bandit followed me. The first thing I noticed was the front window was open. So I closed that first and proceeded to tidy up. Bandit kept chasing my feet, wanting to play (or so I thought). My daughter soon came down telling me that she could not find Dash. No big deal, he is hiding again. I started to call for him and look in his hiding places. He did not come and I could not find him. So I began to look in new places.
At this time, my kids were getting a little nervous. My daughter was beginning to panic and I had to make sure my middle child (boy) stayed in his room before to stressed out. My eldest son came down and we started looking together. I was in the back of the house and my son was in the front. The next thing I heard was, “Mom, he’s outside!” What?! Sure enough, my son heard little nails tapping the window, he looked through the blinds and Dash was on his hind legs with his paws on the window trying to look in. (Poor cat, at least he did not run away) We opened the door and he came right in and ran to the back of the house. His brother was glad to see him and was smelling the “outside world” on him from nose to tail.
After petting him and assuring him that he was ok, I then reassured my two younger kids that he was fine. They were both so scared that someone took him or that he would have got hurt. He was outside for about 4 hours. He never left the porch. He was either really scared or just smart. All in all, he is fine. Hopefully he never goes outside again.
As I started going over that day, I think it was when I went back outside to take that second set of pictures of the pink & blue flowers that Dash slipped out. He must have walked right passed me and I never knew it. I just took the pictures, and walked right back in not even giving it a second thought. I think that meow I heard was Dash, not Bandit. I also think Bandit kept chasing me as I cleaned up the downstairs because he was trying to get my attention about Dash. I guess I should not have ignored him. (We ended up buying collars with bells on them so we can now hear them when they are walking near us)
Every time I see this image I am always going to think of our cat and the little “oopsie” we had. I added the quote and giggled because he was right next to these flowers when we opened the door.
by Renee Giugliano Photography
Gracie Fasano - Glad to know he stay close to the house, and not go to the street.