Catching up…

On the last sessions I did in March, I forgot to make Whimsicals and Coffee Table Books. If you would like me to make either of these for you, please let me know. If your online album expired, I will extend them for 5 days once I finish your requested items free of charge. I was focussed on getting proofs out to everyone that I completely forgot about those items. If you would like to choose the portrait for your Whimsical, please let me know.

I am still a little sore and can’t do any sessions for at least 3 more weeks. I thought I might be able to take in clients a little earlier, but now I know I can’t. I barely took pictures of my own newborn the other day and it only lasted an hour because I couldn’t do it. As soon as I am really up to a full session, I will update my Availability Calendar for May. Until then, my official start date will remain June 2nd.

I am catching up with portrait orders, there are about 4 or 5 left to pick up. I am sorting through them and making sure they are good-to-go before I package them. Emails will be sent out soon for those of you waiting.

I also have one set of proofs I am beginning to work on (you know who you are). I think I should be done with them by next week. I still have family visitors coming and going, they are all out of state, so that’s why it’s taking me a little longer to get them done.

Once again, thank you to all of you for being so patient with me. Soon, there will be no more family visitors here and I will have to take time to learn to be a mom of three. So, that might take up some of my time too. Anyway, that’s all for now. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts!


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