Three Year Old Beauty

I’ve been a little behind lately. I have been dealing with sick kids this last weekend. And my 4 year old is still quite sick. I had to reschedule a session this morning and was busy keeping my two toddlers away from each other. That’s hard to do when they love to play and fight together. And I’ve been getting to bed early since the nights are long and full of “mommy…” coming from my son’s room. But tonight, I had to get this sneak peek up!

“M” was quite excited to have her pictures taken. There were a few minutes where she had got a little shy, but she took a little break & had some snacks. During that time, we played and let her get comfortable with the camera and me. And she did. We were laughing and giggling, playing hide n’ seek and getting some great images in between! One of my favorites is the serious 2nd image. Those big gorgeous eyes just mesmerize me! And I still can’t get over that long hair. My daughter is 2 and is not even close to having enough for a ponytail. I am so jealous.

Gracie - beautiful girl, I love her eyes so big and the dress is lovely.

Mari - She does have some beautiful eyes.
Great pics.

Anita Scheftner - very cute! Good job helping her to be comfortable 😀

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