Baby L has been quite shy and has always clung onto mom as he came in for his session every three months. But this time, mom decided to stay home and let dad give it a try. Well, the planned worked! Baby L still tried to get away (he was showing off his walking skills), but with a little bit of patience and some snacks, he was relaxing and smiling! Although I love his smiles, I especially adore his serious looks – those eyes get me every time!
Complete outfit in the 3rd & 4th images provided by The Curly Girl Boutique, located in Oak Harbor, WA.

by Renee Giugliano Photography
Graciela Fasano - Renee, were do you fine these beautiful babies? He is so cute. I love the one where he is sitting down wearing a hat.
Heather Puett - What an adorable lad 🙂
Erika - How fun are these!! Handsome boy.
CreativeImages Tammy - What a handsome young 9 month old baby, sweet images!
Anna-Karin - What a sweet baby boy and beautiful portraits of him. I love the ones with the hat, so fun!
Kelly - What a precious little boy, I could just eat him up he is so cute!! Beautiful photos as always Renee!!
Christie - He is ADORABLE!! Love all of these, expecially the ones with the cute baby legs!
Tara McGlinchey - What an adorable little guy! I love these. So much variety. Great work!
Lisa S. - Oh my!! Look at those baby blues. You got GREAT shots of him Renee. LOVE them all..
Shallyse - Awwww, what a handsome little man. I love that sweet smile, but you’re right – his eyes are gorgeous in the more serious portraits.
PamN - What gorgeous eyes! So perfect and timeless!
Patti Huhta Thorstenson - cutie pattotie <3
Paula - What a cutie! Love the variety you captured of this little guy!
Kayla Thorstenson Morris - aww I love them! it makes me so happy when jason takes the pictures its like christmas when you send out the sneak peek.