She LOVES Pink!

And it’s a wonderful thing that she was expecting a girl! This new mama-to-be came in about a week before she delivered. She made it clear that she loved color and wanted some bright images! So, that’s exactly what we did! Her favorite color is pink so we had it everywhere! Besides the pink tops, I also had her bring in some pre-pregnancy jeans. We normally have mama’s put them on but not zip them since we pretty much expect them not to fit anyhow. Well, not this mama! She buttoned and zipped them up! (second image) And no stretch marks… not fair, right!? I told her we would have to post those so others could share in my awe and my jealousy! 🙂 One of my favorites of  her is HERE on my facebook page. I posted that as a early sneak peek. Oh and if you are wondering why the lily was added, well, that’s what she named her daughter – Lillee.



Sarah Metz - Beautiful! What a perfect little bump!

Lisa Kelly - She is the perfect example of a “glowing expectant momma”. How gorgeous. Beautiful images and the one with the lily made me smile.

Erin - Gorgeous! Mama is sure glowing!

Claire - Gorgeous!

Sarah Duckworth - Really cute – you did a great job showing off the pink, and she is gorgeous!

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