Contest #2 Results – Jolly Holiday Mini Session Giveaway

First of all, I am so sorry for the application confusion! I thought the SUGGEST THIS application would have made the contest easier, but it didn’t. It only add more frustration to both the referrer’s and the referrals. Because of this, I decided to go with the  image “LIKE” way. Although there was a little uncertainty of “where” to LIKE, eventually it was sorted out and the race began!

And the race was a good one! The lead shifted time and time again! But at the end, it was pretty clear who won!

With a total of 80 LIKES on her personal image entry, the winner of the Jolly Holiday Mini Session is:

Angela, please click HERE to schedule your Jolly Holiday Mini Session. Call me if you have any questions.

Angie - thanks so much Renee!!!!!!

Jennifer Thompson - Congrats!
it was fun!

Erica - Congrats Angela! I almost had ya 😉

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